Food law : Feed care, protect, reconcile

The Faculty of Law and Political Science at the University of Montpellier has created a new national Master's degree in Food and Agroecology Law, which opened for its first year in September 2021. The first class graduated in September 2023.
The aim of this new diploma is to train students in initial training (many of whom are on sandwich courses) and professionals in continuing training in the contemporary challenges of food: without losing sight of the objective of feeding, the agri-food industry has also been assigned the missions of protecting the environment and local or national traditions, caring for populations and preventing environmental risks. By taking into account its effects on the environment and people, the evolution of the law can contribute to better collective living.
To celebrate this pedagogical innovation, which aims to respond to new food issues, the Faculty of Law and Political Science at the University of Montpellier has organized an international symposium on the theme of new food issues, with the support of the MUSE program and the Conseil National de l'Alimentation.
See the article devoted to the symposium proceedings
Research data law
Open science, innovation, public data
1st edition 2022 - by Agnès Robin
Since the principles of open data have been asserted at both European and national levels, in the service of a particularly proactive research and innovation policy, scientific research data have gradually become a genuine legal subject. See the publisher's website
See Joachim Schöpfel's review in Études de communication, 2023/1 (No. 60), on
Also available (subscription) on strada lex
Les Cahiers Teutates. Law and economics
They take the form of an electronic magazine, available in PDF format for download from our website. Issues are edited as they are published, and collected twice a year.
Editor :
- Daniel MainguyProfessor at the Law Faculty of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne
Editorial secretaries :
- Malo DepincéSenior Lecturer at the Faculty of Law of Montpellier
- Julien RoqueAssociate Professor, University of Montpellier
- Caroline RajaAssociate Professor, University of Montpellier
- Daniel MainguyProfessor at Montpellier Law School
- Regis FabreLecturer at the Montpellier Law School, lawyer, managing partner of Baker Mckenzie
- Hughes KenfackProfessor at the Toulouse Law School
- Malo Depincé,SeniorLecturer at Montpellier Law School
Teutate studies
They complement the Cahiers Teutats and include theses, colloquium proceedings, online books and theDossiers Pratiques Teutates (on technical topics).
Céline Alcalde La distribution automobile - Étude juridique, Teutates 2012