Agnès Robin

Agnès Robin

Senior Lecturer HDR
Deputy Director of LICeM
Specialization: Intellectual and Digital Property Law
Director of the Master's degree in Intellectual and Digital Property Law
Director of the DU Scientific Data Management(ISDM)
Co-Director of the DULegalTech and Innovation
Chargée de mission à l'Institut des Données de la Science de Montpellier.

Editorial responsibilities

  • Since 2019, member of the GDR "Internet and Society" (CIS). Working groups: "Open Science and Society" and "Platforms and Risks".
  • Since 2012, member of the Editorial Board of the online journal Cahiers Droit, Sciences et Technologies (PUAM/OpenEdition) of the GDR Réseau Normes, Sciences et Techniques (NoST).

Scientific animation

  • Since 2017, member of the Journée de la jeune recherche scientifique en propriété intellectuelle (JJRPI).
  • Since 2009, member of the Scientific Committee of the National Intellectual Property Law Moot Court Competition (CN2PI).


  • Since 2018, expert at the Comité Consultatif Régional pour la Recherche et le Développement Technologique (CCRRDT), working group on data, Occitanie Region.
  • Since 2018, expert to the SRI (Stratégie Régionale de l'Innovation) "Littoral" and "Numérique" committees, Occitanie Region.
