CommonData program

data governance in participatory research projects

In 2024, the MSH SUD CommonData platform, which since 2017 has been analyzing the legal status of research data according to the data life cycle (collection and acquisition, storage and archiving, dissemination and sharing, reuse and valorization), launched phase 2 of its research program, devoted to the question of data governance in participatory research projects.

The inaugural seminar took place on June 12, 2024. Four participants with a wide range of expertise, from the worlds of research and associations, shared their views and laid the foundations for the CommonData 2 program, collectively examining the conditions for sharing and co-constructing knowledge, information and data in participatory research projects. What distinguishes this type of research within the research and innovation system? How can the data approach help us to better characterize participatory research, as well as its players and the value of their collaboration?

Opening of the day's events

Anne Fraïsse - President, Université Paul Valéry Montpellier 3
Jacques Mercier - Vice-President, Research, Université de Montpellier
Olivier Tinland - Director, MSH SUD - Université Paul Valéry Montpellier 3
Agnès Robin - University of Montpellier

Participatory research: what system(s) for producing data and knowledge?

Evelyne Lhoste (INRAE)
A brief history of participatory research to examine the issues surrounding co-produced data
Romain Julliard (MNHN)
Data co-production and the structuring of participatory science

Characterizing data-driven participatory research: actors, processes and outputs

Philippe Laredo (ENPC)
Open data, but not just any data... the data must exist!
VéraVidal (Coop des Communs)

A look back at the inaugural seminar