Masters in Business Law teaching team

The teaching team


Daniel Mainguy is Associate Professor at the Faculty of Law, Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne. He was director of the Master 2 in Private Economic Law and founded the Montpellier Law School in 2009. A DJCE graduate, he holds a doctorate in law("La revente", Prix de l'académie française, 1994, Litec, 1996). He has extensive experience as a lawyer, registered with the Paris Bar, in both advisory and audit work, as well as in litigation, consultancy and arbitration.
Twitter account: @DanielMainguy

Malo Depincé is a senior lecturer (HDR) at Montpellier's Faculty of Law and Political Science. He heads the Master 2 inConsumer and Competition Law, is Director of the LICeM and a member of the Faculty Council. A recognized specialist in consumer law, sales promotion and competition law, he teaches numerous courses in business law at the Montpellier Faculty of Law and Political Science. He is also a member of the Jury de Déontologie Publicitaire (associated body of theAutorité de Régulation Professionnelle de la Publicité), the Commission des clauses abusives and the Groupe de travailArbitrage of the Conseil National des Barreaux. A member of the Conseil National de l'Alimentation (CNA), he has just been appointed by President and former Minister Guillaume Garot to chair the consultation group on the sale of foodstuffs via internet sites.
He is the coordinator of the interdisciplinary HUT project for the habitat of tomorrow(here). Together with Daniel Mainguy, he runs the annual Serge Lazareff Competition organized in partnership with CMAP, the French-speaking international arbitration competition in Montpellier. He teaches consumer law, unfair competition law and free movement law.
Contact details
Tel: (33)434432905
Twitter account: @MaloDepince

Jean-Louis Respaud is a senior lecturer at the University of Montpellier. A recognized specialist in distribution law, he is co-author with Daniel Mainguy and Stéphane Destours of the distribution law column in La Semaine juridique. He is also the author of books and articles on domestic and European economic law (distribution, competition and consumer law) and the law of obligations (contracts and liability). He teaches distribution and business contract law.

Stéphane Destours is a senior lecturer at the Faculty of Law and Political Science in Montpellier. He teaches law on anti-competitive practices, restrictive competition practices, merger law and commercial planning. He is the author of a thesis on competition law, as well as numerous articles, booklets and notes on competition law, both public and private. He is co-author with Daniel Mainguy and Jean-Louis Respaud of the distribution law column in the Semaine juridique.

Rémy Cabrillac is Associate Professor at Montpellier Law School. He chairs the Faculty's Private Law Section. A recognized specialist in contract law, both in France and abroad, he is the author of numerous books and articles on codification and contract law.
See his CV here.

Carine Jallamion is an associate professor at Montpellier Law School, whereshe teaches legal history,heads the College of Law and co-directs the DU in arbitration law. She is a recognized specialist in the history of arbitration law. She teaches arbitration law.

Julien Roque is a lecturer at Paul Valéry University. He has written a thesis on the obligations of principals and teaches international trade law. Julien Roque is Director of the Clinique Juridique de Montpellier.

Marie Pierre Dumont Lefrand is an Associate Professor at Montpellier Law School. She is head of the DJCE and a recognized specialist in business law, with a particular focus on security interests and commercial leases.

Guillaume Zambrano is a lecturer at the University of Nîmes. He defended a thesis on the theme of "The ineffectiveness of civil actions for compensation for competition law infringements" (2012, Univ. Montpellier, under the supervision of Prof. D. Mainguy. Download: THESE). His main areas of research are predictive statistical analysis of case law, epistemology of Law and collective action in civil law. He teaches competition law.

Alice Turinetti holds a PhD in private law and is a post-doctoral fellow at UMR 5815 Dynamiques du Droit. She is currently working on drone and machine law as part of a research contract funded by the Fond Unique Interministériel (FUI 17). She defended her thesis, entitled "La normalisation. Etude en droit économique" on December 17, 2014, under the supervision of Mr. Jean-Louis RESPAUD.

Cathie-Sophie Pinat is a lecturer in Private Law at the Université Lumière Lyon II. Her thesis, entitled "Le discours de l'avocat devant la Cour de cassation", was supervised by Professors Daniel Mainguy and Alexandre Vialla.

Mathilde Cayotisa lecturer at the Université Paul-Valéry - Montpellier III. She defended her thesis, entitled "Le préjudice économique pur", on November 24, 2016, under the supervision of Professor Daniel Mainguy.

Edmond Baranes is Professor of Economics at the University of Montpellier, and co-director of the "Competition and Regulation" division of UMR LAMETA. He is Director of the Industrial and Network Economics Master's program at the Faculty of Economics. Specializing in competition policy and sector-specific regulation (digital, energy, transport, healthcare), he teaches a wide range of courses on competition economics, pricing strategies and investment decisions. He regularly publishes articles in journals and contributes to expert reports. As part of CDCM's training courses, he teaches economic analysis of competition law.e-mail:

Gilles N'Goala is Professor at the University of Montpellier, Institut Montpellier Management (MOMA). He is also Vice-President of the French Marketing Association (afm). See his CV here

lise Poillot is Professor of Civil Law at the University of Luxembourg. She is a recognized specialist in European law, particularly European consumer law.

Practitioner teachers

Michel Astruc was Mediator for GDF SUEZ from his appointment in November 2005 untilJuly 1,2014. Following the cessation of his activity for GDF SUEZ, he was appointed honorary member of the Club des Médiateurs. From Europe to Brazil, Morocco to Mexico, he has been involved in improving the GDF SUEZ Group's mediation system, supporting the creation of various mediation systems in several countries, and promoting quality mediation through numerous studies, presentations and symposia. Today, he is continuing his work through various studies and projects to promote mediation and contribute to its development. He also teaches the practice of mediation.

François Béroujon is a magistrate at the Bordeaux Administrative Court. He wrote his thesis on the application of consumer law to public service managers. He has since written numerous articles and commentaries on consumer law. He teaches public law.

Christophe Blondeaut is a lawyer at dlj et associés in Montpellier. He holds a post-graduate diploma (DEA) in Community and European law from the University of Montpellier, and teaches residential leasing law.

Jérôme Coulombel is General Counsel of the Carrefour Group's Litigation Department. He teaches dispute resolution mechanisms in the retail sector.

Christine Corrieri is Director of the Consulting Department at the French Advertising Standards Authority (ARPP). A former student of the CDCM, she teaches advertising self-regulation by advertisers, agencies and media.

Caroline Duclercq is a member of the Paris Bar and a partner at Altana. A long-time associate of Serge Lazareff, she joined Altana in 2012. A specialist in arbitration, she co-directs the DU arbitration program at Montpellier's Faculty of Law and Political Science. She teaches arbitration practice.

Nicolas Genty is a partner at EY Société d'avocats (Ernst & Young). He is in charge of the Contracts - Competition - Distribution practice in France. Over the past 25 years, he has built up significant experience in advising companies on French and European distribution, competition and consumer law. He advises companies during negotiations between suppliers and distributors. He is also involved in setting up and organizing customers' distribution networks, negotiating and drafting their commercial and industrial contracts, and promoting their sales. He regularly advises companies on competition law issues. With Philippe Duvocelle, he is the author of "Relations fournisseur-distributeur: Sécuriser et valoriser les négociations commerciales" (DS. Lamy). He teaches commercial negotiation to students.

Philippe Guillermin is head of the Bureau de la politique de la protection des consommateurs et loyauté (3A) at the Direction Générale de la Concurrence de la Consommation et de la Répression des Fraudes. He will talk to students about public consumer protection policies.

Yann le Targat is a member of the Montpellier Bar. He assists the firm's clients in matters of intellectual property and NICT in the development of their business, as well as in any litigation they may be involved in. He has particular expertise in the field of payment methods and services, having advised on the creation of a payment institution operating in Luxembourg and France. He also specializes in consumer law, and in particular in disputes relating to the TEG (gross interest rate) on loans. It is this latter, particularly rich experience that he passes on to his students. He was also behind the creation of the Centre d'Arbitrage de la Méditerranée, which reports to the Languedoc-Roussillon Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

Boris Ruy is a member of the Lyon Bar. He has been a partner at FIDAL since 2015. He is a project manager in the Competition-Distribution Department: contract, competition and distribution law, commercial and criminal business litigation - arbitration; assistance with competition investigations (simple investigations, visit and seizure operations) and other administrative investigations.
He teaches litigation practice.