10 Years of the Hamon law
March 29, 2024
Colloquium, coordinated by Mathilde Cayot, MCF, LICeM.

Promulgated on March 17, 2014, Law no. 2014-344 of March 17, 2014 on consumer affairs, known as the Hamon Law, strengthened consumer protection vis-à-vis professionals. Fundamental, this text aimed to improve and adapt consumer law in light of new rules but also developments in European case law. Enhanced consumer protection was also intended to promote competition and improve household purchasing power. In the words of the explanatory memorandum, the aim was also to " guarantee the effectiveness of the rule of law " by modifying the powers of the administrative authorities in charge of consumer protection, but also by creating new means of redress. The symposium aims to take stock of this consumer law, almost ten years to the day after it came into force. It will also provide participants with an overview of the latest developments in consumer law, based on the rich and varied themes of the discipline. Finally, the event will provide an opportunity to reflect on the future of consumer law.
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